The Outlaw King - 2018
The Outlaw King - 2018
The Outlaw King - 2018
The Outlaw King - 2018

The Major Netflix film production - The Outlaw King, directed by David Mackenzie required an accurate portrayal of period costumes from the 14th century court of Robert the Bruce. Chloe was commissioned to research and create key garments for the characters of the King and Queen. Research required analysis of embroidery methodologies of the late C13th; examining image content and fabric ruination and decay as a narratological process.

Hand embroidered Lion Rampant upon tunic involving long and short satin stitch with intricately combined thread work.

‘Outlaw King’ (with a $120m budget) was released in 2018 had cinema screenings worldwide and through the Netflix TV network.

The Outlaw King - 2018
The Outlaw King - 2018

Commissioned to create a decayed effect on gown for the character of Elizabet De Burgh, Queen to Robert the Bruce. Techniques included considered deconstruction of stitches, decay and aged elements.

‘Outlaw King’ (with a $120m budget) was released in 2018 had cinema screenings worldwide and through the Netflix TV network.